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Summer School Medingen 2018

Summer School Medingen 2018 Programme

Jeffrey Hamburger, Eva Schlotheuber: Humboldt Colloquium
Date: 27th–30th June 2018
Lodging:  Gustav Stresemann Institut in Medingen (Äbtissin Frau Dr. Püttmann)
16 Participants

Wednesday 27th Hannover
13.00–16:00 Hannover exhibition “Schatzhüterin: 200 Jahre Klosterkammer Hannover”
16:00 Bus to Medingen, Gustav Stresemann Institut
18:30–19:30 Dinner
19:30: Tour of Medingen

Thursday 28th Medingen
9:00–11:00 The Reception and Transmission of Mystical Literature in the 15th Century 
Henrike Lähnemann (Oxford) The Medingen Manuscripts: Production and Dissemination
Palmer Nigel (Oxford) Meditating on the Life of Christ in the 1490s
Stephen Mossman (Manchester) Klosterarchiv Ebstorf, Hs. V 2 (Fragmente V 2,I und V 2,II)
11:30 Lunch 
12:30 Bus to Wienhausen  

Wienhausen (Afternoon) 13:00–16:00 (Seminarraum)
Lena Vosding (HHU) Die Wienhäuser Brieflehren - ein Abbild der Gesellschaft? 
Tanja Mattern (HHU) Osterfeiern Wienhausen (Heiliges Grab)
Ed Wareham (Oxford) de mote juk lumine gratie sue illustreren intus ac foris. The Exchange of Devotional Images: Evidence from the Lüne Letters
15:30–16:30 Rundgang durch das Kloster
16.30–18:30 Monastic Textiles: Function & Meaning (Textilmuseum)
Calvarin, Juliette (Harvard, USA) Jan z Jensztejna, the Feast of the Visitation, and Bohemian Textiles
Kathrin Müller (HU Berlin) Ebstorf, Ms. V 3, fol. 200v/201r, as well as some of the embroideries

Friday 29th Lüne
9:00 Drive to Lüne
9:30–12:00 Cloister 
12:00–13:30 Lunch (Café im Kloster, Reservierung)
13:30–17:00: Libraries, Letters, & Learning in North German Convents (Vordiele zur Abtei)
Philipp Stenzig (HHU) Hs. Lüne 23 (sog. 'Amtsbuch der Sakrista')
Philipp Trettin (HHU)  Hs. Lüne 25 (‚Propstwahlhandbuch‘): Ordo ad eligendum propositum in Lune – Guide for the election of the provost in Lüne
17:00 Drive to Medingen
18:00 Dinner

Saturday 30th Medingen
9:00–12:30 Miscellaneous
Modráková Renáta (Praha) Library of St. George’s
Mercedes Perez (Barcelona) Easter liturgy, art and reform in Iberian Mendicant Nunneries
Eleanor Goerss (Harvard) Raymund Lull
Nicole Pulichene (Harvard /Munich) Memoria
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00 Bus to Hannover