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Dr. habil. Mikhail A. Boytsov

Alexander von Humbold Foundation Fellow

Curriculum vitae


1978 – 1983   Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of History.

1982 (Oct.) – 1983 (Febr.)   Humboldt-University, Berlin, Institute of History.

1983   M.S. (Diplom) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Medieval History.

1983 – 1986   Ph.D program for postgraduate students (aspirantura). Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Medieval History.

1986   Promotion I. Ph.D (Candidate Sc.). Thesis: “Imperial assemblies in Germany in the 2nd half of the 14th century”.

2011   Promotion II. Dr. habil. (Doctor Sc.). Thesis: “Political ceremonial in the Holy Roman Empire in the 14th – early 16th centuries”


Academic and professional positions held

1986 - 1991   Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of History, Department of Medieval History – junior research fellow.

1991 - 2011   Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of History, Department of Medieval History – associate professor.

2011 - 2014   National Research University Higher School of Economics, Faculty of History, Department of Political History, – full professor.

2014 - present   National Research University Higher School of Economics, Faculty of Humanities, School of History, – full professor.


2012 - May 2022   Head of the Center for Medieval Studies of the National Research University Higher School of Economics

May 2022 – present   Chief researcher (glavny nauchny sotrudnik) at the Center for Medieval Studies of the National Research University Higher School of Economics


2015 - 2018   National Research University Higher School of Economics, Faculty of Humanities, vice-dean research.

2018 – May 2022   National Research University Higher School of Economics, Faculty of Humanities, dean.


1994 – 2008   Institute for General History Russian Academy of Sciences – senior research fellow.

1996 – 2012   Co-editor in chief of the historical almanac Casus: The Individual and Unique in History (in Russian).

2002 – 2006   Member of the International Curatorium of the Max-Planck-Institut for History in Goettingen (Germany).

2009 – present   Editorial board member of the Zeitschrift für historische Forschung (Germany)

2012 – present   Corresponding member of the Central Direction of the Institute Monumenta Germaniae Historica (Munich, Germany)

2013 – 2021   Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Historical Institute in Moscow (Max-Weber-Foundation)


1991 (Nov.) – 1993 (Febr.)   Research scholarship of the Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD). Historiсal Institute of the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, Germany, Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung in Vienna, Austria.

1993 (July)   Konstantin Jiriček Scholarship (Das Österreichische Ost- und Südosteuropa-Institut and Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung in Vienna, Austria)

1993 (Aug.)   Scholarship of the Georg-Eckert-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung (Brunswick, Germany)

1995 (March – Mai)   Scholarship of the Volkswagen-Stiftung (Historiсal Institute of the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, Germany, and Tiroler Landesarchiv in Innsbruck, Austria).

1997 (Jan. – March)   Scholarship of the Max-Planck-Society. Max-Planck-Institute for History in Goettingen, Germany.

1998 (March – April)   Visiting research fellow at the Central European University, Department of Medieval Studies,  Budapest, Hungary.

2000 (Jan.)   Scholarship of the Max-Planck-Society. Max-Planck-Institute for History in Goettingen, Germany.

2000 (June)   Visiting professor at the University of Bern, Switzerland.

2000 (Nov.) – 2002 (June)   Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Historical Institute of the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen and Max-Planck-Institute for History in Goettingen, Germany).

2003 (Jan.)   Scholarship of the Max-Planck-Society. Max-Planck-Institute for History in Goettingen, Germany.

2003 (Jul.)   Visiting professor at the University of Wales, Department of History & Welsh History at Aberystwyth, UK

2004 (July-Aug.)   Scholarship of the Max-Planck-Society. Max-Planck-Institute for History in Goettingen, Germany.

2005 (Jan.)   Scholarship of the Max-Planck-Society. Max-Planck-Institute for History in Goettingen, Germany.

2005 (Sept.)   Visiting professor at the International summer school „Konstitutioneller Wandel im späten Mittelalter: Erscheinung — Wahrnehmung — Inszenierung“). University of Augsburg, Germany.

2006 (Jan.)   Scholarship of the Max-Planck-Society. Max-Planck-Institute for History in Goettingen, Germany.

2006 (Aug.)   Scholarship of the Max-Planck-Society. Max-Planck-Institute for History in Goettingen, Germany.

2007 (February – April)   Visiting Grant Scholar at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Wassenaar, the Netherlands.

2008 (Mai – August)   Gastprofessor at the Sonderforschungsbereich 619 „Ritualdynamik“, University of Heidelberg, Germany.

2009 (Jan.)   Visiting Grant Scholar at the Exzellenz-Cluster „Religion und Politik in Vormoderne und Moderne“, University of Münster, Germany.

2010 (Dec.)   Visiting Grant Scholar at the Zentrum für Mittelalter- und Renaissancestudien (ZMR), Ludwig and Maximilian University at Munich, Germany

2011 (Jan.– March)   Visiting Grant Scholar at the École Pratique des Hautes Études,  Paris, France (Program “Research in Paris”)

2013 (June)   Honorary Research Associate in the Department of History, University College London, UK.

2013 (July)   Guest researcher at the Exzellenzcluster „Religion und Politik in den Kulturen der Vormoderne und der Moderne“, Westphalens Wilhelm University of Münster, Germany.

2014 (May – July)   Christian-Wolff-Gastprofessor at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.

2016 (July)   Visiting Fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies of the Ludwig and Maximilian University, Munich, Germany.

2022 (Mai)   Guest researcher at the Historical Institute of the Mannheim  University

2022 (Mai – September)   Christian-Wolff-Gastprofessor at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.


2000   Prize of the Russian Federal Archives Service



1996 – 2006   International Society “Majestas”

Research Talks

Papers for conferences and personal lectures at the universities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Dresden, Giessen, Goettingen, Munich (LMU), Potsdam, Marburg, Paderborn, Münster, Heidelberg, Kiel, Halle/Saale, Leipzig, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Würzburg, Frankfurt am Main, Vienna, Innsbruck, Bern, Fribourg, Leeds, Wales (Aberystwyth), Sheffield, Oxford, Cambridge, Warsaw, at the Institute for General History (Moscow), Central European University (Budapest), Collegium Carolinum (Munich), Max-Planck-Institute for History (Göttingen), Max-Planck-Institute for European History of Law (Frankfurt am Main), Georg-Eckert-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung (Brunswick), Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut (Essen), Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institut für Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit (Krems), German Historical Institute in Moscow, École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris), Queen Mary University (London), University College London, as well as other institutions.


International Conferences Organized

2002 (June)   International conference Standorte und künftige Entwicklungen der europäischen Mediävistik. Perspektiven der jungen Generation [organization and coordination on the Russian part]. — Max-Planck-Institute for History (Goettingen).

2002 (Oct.)   International conference Les images du pouvoir dans l’Occident, en Byzance et en Russie au Moyen Age et à l’époque moderne [organization and coordination on the Russian part] — Max-Planck-Institute for History (Goettingen) in cooperation with Institute for General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

2003 (Oct.)   International conference Les images du pouvoir dans l’Occident, en Byzance et en Russie au Moyen Age et à l’époque moderne II. [organization and coordination on the Russian part] — Institute for General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) in cooperation with Max-Planck-Institute for History (Goettingen).

2011 (Oct.)   International conference The Language of Gifts: Rules of Symbolic Communication in Europe 1000 – 1700. [organization and coordination on the Russian part] – Museum The Moscow Kremlin in cooperation with University of Münster, the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow), the German Historical Institute in Moscow, the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

2012 (Oct.)   International PhD and post-doctoral training school Dynamic Middle Ages [organization and coordination on the Russian part] – the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow) in cooperation with the German Historical Institute in Moscow, Humboldt University in Berlin and Goethe Institute.

2013 (Oct.)   International conference HARMONIA: Idées de l’harmonie dans la culture et la société medieval [membership in the Organising committee] – the Centre for Medieval Studies of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow) in cooperation with Micrologus and the Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino.

2014 (Oct.)   International PhD and post-doctoral training school Dynamic Middle Ages II [organization and coordination on the Russian part] – the the Centre for Medieval Studies of National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow) in cooperation with the German Historical Institute in Moscow, the White Rose University Consortium and Heinrich Heine University at Düsseldorf.

2016 (Oct.)   International conference Einfluss und Austausch im ‘großen Europa’ des 12. Jahrhunderts: Wissen, Menschen und Bilder. [organization and coordination] – the Centre for Medieval Studies of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow) in cooperation with the German Historical Institute in Moscow.

2017 – 2022   Colloquium on the History of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times at the German Historical Institute in Moscow (co-organizer).

1. Books, Collections of Documents, Editing.

  • Velichie i smirenie. Ocherki politicheskogo simvolizma v srednevekovoj Evrope [Majesty and Humility. Studies in Medieval European Political Symbolism], Moscow: Rosspen, 2009, 350 p.
  • Istoriya srednih vekov: Evropa i ostalnoj mir [History of the Middle Ages: Europe and the Rest of the World], Moscow: Russkoe slovo, 1st ed.: 2000, 328 p.; …. 15th ed.: 2012, 320 p. since then has been reedited almost every year, also in 2021, with different modifications in the text and the title (with Rustam Shukurov as co-athor).
  • Kazus. Individual'noe i unikal'noe v istorii [Casus. The Individual and Unique in History]. Almanach in History. Vol. 1 – 4 (1997 – 2002) ed. by Yuri L. Bessmertny & Mikhail Boytsov, vol. 5 – 9 (2003 – 2012) ed. by Mikhail Boytsov & Igor Danilevsky.
  • „K chesti Rossii“. Iz chastnoj perepiski 1812 g. [‘To the Honour of Russia’. From Private Letters of the Year 1812], Moscow: Sovremennik 1988, 239 p.
  • So shpagoj i fakelom. Dvortsovye perevoroty v Rossii 1725 – 1825 [With Sword and Torch. Palace Revolutions in Russia 1725 – 1825], Moscow: Sovremennik 1991, 590 p.
  • Istoriya srednih vekov. Moscow: MIROS: 1st ed. 1994, 316 p.,… 4th ed. 1998, 480 p., 5th ed.: Istoriya srednih vekov: Zapadnaya Evropa, Vizantiya i rannij islam. Parts 1-2, Ekaterinburg: Artefakt, 2019 – 2020. [History of the Middle Ages, Moscow: MIROS: 1st ed. 1994, 316 p.,… 4th ed. 1998, 480 p., 5th ed. under the title History of the Middle Ages: Western Europe, Byzantium and Early Islam, parts 1-2, Ekaterinburg: Artefakt, 2019 – 2020] (with Rustam Shukurov as co-athor).
  • Dvortsovye perevoroty v Rossii 1725 – 1825 [The Palace Revolutions in Russia 1725 – 1825], Rostov na Donu: Fenix 1998, 636 p.
  • Kartoteka «Z» Operativnogo shtaba «Reichsleiter Rosenberg». Tsennosti kultury na okkupirovannykh territorijakh Rossii, Ukrainy i Belorussii 1941–1942 gg. [The Card-index ‘Z’ of the Operation Staff ‘Reichsleiter Rosenberg’. The Cultural Values On the Occupied Territories of Russia, Ukraine and Byelorussia 1941 – 1942], Moscow: MGU 1998, 352 p. (with Tatiana A. Vasiljeva as co-editor).


  • Istorik v poiske. Mikro- i makropodkhody k izucheniju proshlogo [Historian in Search: Micro and Macro Approaches to Investigation of the Past], ed. by Yurij L. Bessmertny, Mikhail A. Boytsov & Pavel Sh. Gabdrachmanov, Moscow: IVI RAN 1999, 300 p.
  • Homo historicus. K 80-letiju so dnja rozhdenija Ju. L. Bessmertnogo [Homo historicus. To the 80th Birthday of Yuri L. Bessmertny], ed. by Аlexander Tchubarjan, Mikhail Boytsov & Olga Bessmertnaja, Vol. 1, 798 p., vol. 2, 406 p., Moscow: Nauka, 2003.
  • V svoem krugu. Individ i gruppa na Zapade i Vostoke Evropy do nachala Novogo vremeni [Within the intimate circle. Individual and Group in Western and Eastern Parts of Pre-modern Europe], ed. by Michail A. Boytsov & Otto Gerhard Oexle, Moscow: IVI RAN 2003, 367 p.
  • Bilder der Macht in Mittelalter und Neuzeit. Byzanz – Okzident – Rußland, ed. by Otto Gerhard Oexle and Michail A. Bojcov. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007 (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, 226). 675 S. 191. Abb.
  • Obrazy vlasti na Zapade v Vizantii i na Rusi: Srednie veka, Novoe vermja [Images of Power in West, Byzantium and Russia: Middle Ages, Modern Times], ed. by Michail A. Boytsov and Otto Gerhard Oexle, Moscow: Nauka, 2008, 443 p.
  • Vlast’ i obraz. Ocherki potestarnoy imagologii [Power and Image. Essays on potestarian imagology], ed. by Michail A. Boytsov and Fjodor B. Uspenskiy. Saint-Petersburg: Aleteya, 2010, 384 p.
  •  Srednevekovaya Evropa: Vostok i Zapad [Medieval Europe: East and West], ed. by Michail A. Boytsov. Moscow: NIU HSE, 2015, 416 p.
  •  Polystoria: Tsari, svyatye, mifotvortsy v srednevekovoy Evrope [Polystoria: Kings, Saints, Myth-tellers in Medieval Europe], ed. by Michail A. Boytsov and Oleg S. Voskoboynikov. Moscow: HSE, 2016, 312 p.
  • Na yazike darov. Pravila simvolicheskoy kommunikatsii v Evrope 1000 – 1700 [In the Language of Gifts: the norms of symbolic communication in Europe 1000 – 1700], ed. by Gerd Althoff and Michail A. Boytsov. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2016, 263 p.
  • Polystoria: Zodchie, konungi, pontifiki v srednevekovoy Evrope [Polystoria: Architects, kings, popes in Medieval Europe], ed. by Michail A. Boytsov and Oleg S. Voskoboynikov. Moscow: HSE, 2021, 285 p.
  • Polystoria: Bog, Rim, narod v srednevekovoy Evrope [Polystoria: God, Rome, people in Medieval Europe], ed. by Michail A. Boytsov and Oleg S. Voskoboynikov. Moscow: HSE, 2021, 335 p.
2. Main Articles
  • Dokumenty po istorii politicheskoj borby na imperskikh sobranijakh (reichstagakh) v Germanii v kontse XIV v. [„Documentation, concerning history of political conflicts at the imperial assemblies in Germany at the end of the 14th century“], in: Srednie veka, 49 (1986), 220 – 246.
  • Sostav imperskikh sobranij v Germanii v kontse XIV v. [„The structure of imperial assemblies in Germany at the end of the 14th century“], in: Iz istorii drevnego mira i sfrednevekovjja [From the history of the ancient world and the Middle Ages], Moscow: MGU 1987, 41 – 54.
  • Zolotaja bulla 1356 g. i korolevskaja vlast v Germanii vo vtoroj polovine XIV v. [„The Golden Bull of 1356 and the royal power in Germany in the 2nd half of the 14th century“], in: Srednie veka, 52 (1989), 25 – 46.
  • Tsentralnaja vlast i regionalnye politicheskie sobranija v Germanii vo vtoroj polovine XIV veka [„The central authorities and the regional political assemblies in Germany in the secnd half of the 14th century“], in: Problemy germanskoj istorii (epokha feodalizma) [Problems of the German History (The Epoch of Feudalism)], Izhevsk 1989, 39 – 52.
  • Latinskaja Amerika glazami nemetskogo konkistadora [„The Latin America as seen by a German conquistador“], in: Srednie veka, 55 (1992), 7 – 10.
  • Skromnoe obajanie vlasti [„The modest charme of power“], in: Odissey. Chelovek v istorii [Odysseus. Man in History] (1995), 37 – 66.
  • „Qualitäten des Raumes in zeremoniellen Situationen: Das Heilige Römische Reich, 14.-15. Jahrhundert“, in: Zeremoniell und Raum. 4. Symposium der Residenzen-Komission der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, ed. by Werner Paravicini (Residenzenforschung, 6), Sigmaringen: Thorbecke 1997, 129 – 153.
  • „Der diskrete Charme der Herrschaft. Zum Image deutscher Machtträger im 14.-15. Jahrhundert“, Majestas, 5 (1997), 23-66.
  • “Ephemerität und Permanenz bei Herrschereinzügen im spätmittelalterlichen Deutschland“, Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft, 24 (1997), 87 – 107.
  • “Sitten und Verhaltensnormen am Innsbrucker Hof im 15. Jahrhundert im Spiegel der Hofordnungen“, in Höfe und Hofordnungen 1200—1600. 5. Symposium der Residenzen-Kommission der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, hg. v. Holger Kruse & Werner Paravicini, Sigmaringen: Thorbecke 1999. (Residenzenforschungen, 10), 243 – 283.
  • Gertsog, ego sluga i smert (Avstrija, XV vek) [“The Duke, his servant and the Death (Austria, the 15th century“)], in: Chelovek v mire chuvsts. Ocherki po istorii chastnoj zhizni v Evrope i nekotorykh stranakh Azii do nachala Novogo vremeni [Man in the world of his feelings. Essays on the history of private life in Europe and in certain lands of Asia before the Modern Times], ed. by Yuri L. Bessmertnyj, Мoscow 2000, 303 – 338.
  • “No Community without History, no History without Community”, in Approaches to European Historical Consciousness: Reflections and Provocations, ed. by Sharon Macdonald with the assistance of Katja Fausser (Eustory Series. Shaping European History, 1) Hamburg 2000, 6874.
  • Pogrebenie imperatora Fridrikha III v 1493 g. [“The funeral of the emperor Frederic III”], in: Srednie veka, 61 (2000), 254 – 289.
  • Chastnoe i publichnoe v zhizni i smerti nemetskikh aristokratov pozdnego srednevekovja [“The private and the public in the life and death of German aristocrats in the late Middle Ages”], in: Chelovek i ego blizkie na Zapade i Vostoke Evropy (do nachala novogo vremeni) [Man with his nearest and dearest in the West and East of Europe], ed. by Yuri L. Bessmertny & Otto Gerhard Oexle, Moscow 2000, 123 – 140.
  • “Mittelalterlicher Symbolismus und (post)moderner Historismus“, in Reich, Regionen und Europa in Mittelalter und Neuzeit. Festschrift für Peter Moraw, ed. by Paul-Joachim Heinig, Sigrid Jahns, Hans-Joachim Schmidt, Rainer Christoph Schwinges & Sabine Wefers, Berlin, 2000 (Historische Forschungen, 67), 751 – 759.
  • “‘Das Frauenzimmer’ oder ‘die Frau bei Hofe’?“, in Das Frauenzimmer. Die Frau bei Hofe in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. 6. Symposium der Residenzen-Kommission der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. Dresden, 26.-29. September 1998 ed. by Jan Hirschbiegel & Werner Paravicini, Stuttgart: Thorbecke, 2000 (Residenzenforschung, 11), 327 – 337.
  • “Das Private und das Öffentliche im Leben und Sterben deutscher Adeliger im Spätmittelalter“, in: Das Individuum und die Seinen. Individualität in der okzidentalen und der russischen Kultur in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, ed. by Juri L. Bessmertny & Otto Gerhard Oexle, Göttingen 2001 (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, 163), 153 – 168.
  • “Vorwärts zu Herodot! Zum Selbstverständnis russischer Historiker heute“ Rechtshistorishes Journal, 20 (2001), 351 – 378.
  • Neuteshnyj vdovets ili tjazhba so smertjju [“One Disconsolate Widower, or Litigation with the Death”], in: Kazus: Individualnoe i unikalnoe v istorii [Casus. The Individual and Unique in History], 4 (2002), 73 – 93.
  • Ograblenie mertvykh pravitelej kak vseobshchee uvlechenie [“Plundering of Dead Rulers as a General Passion”, in: Kazus: Individualnoe i unikalnoe v istorii [Casus. The Individual and Unique in History], 4 (2002), 137 – 201.
  • Vlast pravitelja [“Power of a Ruler”], in: Slovar' srednevekovoj kul'tury [Dictionary of Medieval Culture], ed. by Aaron Gurevich, Moscow: Rosspen, 2003, 78 – 91.
  • Monarkhija [“Monarchy”], in: Slovar' srednevekovoj kul'tury [Dictionary of Medieval Culture], ed. by Aaron Gurevich, Moscow: Rosspen, 2003, 301–312 (with Susanna Pshizova as co-author)
  • Imperija [“Empire”], in: Slovar' srednevekovoj kul'tury [Dictionary of Medieval Culture], ed. by Aaron Gurevich, Moscow: Rosspen, 2003, 179 – 187
  • Pogrebenie gosudarja [“Burial of a Prince”], in: Slovar' srednevekovoj kul'tury [Dictionary of Medieval Culture], ed. by Aaron Gurevich, Moscow: Rosspen, 2003, 369 – 372.
  • Zhivaja vlast mertvogo tela. Kommentarii k povestvovaniju starshego kollegi [“The living power of a dead body. Comments on a narrative of one elder colleague”], in: Kazus: Individualnoe i unikalnoe v istorii [Casus. The Individual and Unique in History], 5 (2003), 167–253.
  • „Individualnost“ umershego gosudarja. Representatsija pokojnogo pravitelja v pozdnesrednevekovykh pogrebalnykh tseremonijakh [“The ‘individuality’ of a dead prince. Representation of a deceased ruler in late medieval burial ceremonies”], in: V svoem krugu. Individ i gruppa na Zapade i Vostoke Evropy do nachala Novogo vremeni [Within the intimate circle. Individual and Group in Western and Eastern Parts of Pre-modern Europe], ed. by Michail A. Boytsov & Otto Gerhard Oexle, Moscow: IVI RAN 2003, 129–190.
  • “The Plundering of Dead Rulers”, in: Emotions and Material Culture, ed. by Gerhard Jaritz, Vienna 2003 (Forschungen des Institutes für Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit. Diskussionen und Materialien, 7), 77 – 83.
  • “Die Mediävistik in Russland an der Schwelle des neuen Jahrhunderts“, in: Mediävistik im 21. Jahrhundert: Stand und Perspektiven der internationalen und interdisziplinären Mittelalterforschung, ed. by Hans-Werner Goetz und Jörg Jarnut, München: Fink, 2003 (MittelalterStudien des Instituts zur Interdisziplinären Erforschung des Mittelalters und seines Nachwirkens, Paderborn, 1), 41 – 54.
  • “Symbolische Mimesis – nicht nur im Mittelalter”, in: Zeichen – Rituale – Werte, ed. by Gerd Althoff & Christiane Witthöft, Münster: Rhema, 2004 (Symbolische Kommunikation und gesellschaftliche Wertesysteme. Schriftenreihe des Sonderforschungsbereichs 496, 3), 225 – 257.
  • Papskij zontik, bog Helios i sud'by Rossii [“The Pope’s Parasol, the God Helios and the Fortunes of Russia”], in: Kazus: Individualnoe i unikalnoe v istorii [Casus. The Individual and Unique in History], 6 (2005), 99 - 154].
  • “Zum Frauenzimmer am Innsbrucker Hof Erzherzog Sigmunds”, in Der Innsbrucker Hof. Residenz und höfische Gesellschaft in Tirol vom 15. bis 19. Jahrhundert, ed. by Heinz Noflatscher & Jan Paul Niederkorn, Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2005 (Archiv für österreichische Geschichte, 138), 197 – 211.
  • “Wie der Kaiser seine Krone aus den Füssen des Papstes empfing”, Zeitschrift für historische Forschung, 32 (2005), 163 – 198.
  • “Feste und Feiern: Festliche Anlässe und Festformen” in Höfe und Residenzen im spätmittelalterlichen Reich. Bilder und Begriffe. Teilband 1. Begriffe, ed. by Werner Paravicini, Jan Hirschbiegel & Jörg Wettlaufer, Ostfildern: Thorbecke, 2005 (Residenzenforschung, 15, II), 483 – 495.
  • “How One Archbishop of Trier Perambulated his Lands”, in Representations of Power in Medieval Germany 800–1500, ed. by Björn Weiler & Simon MacLean. Turnhout: Brepols, 2006 (International Medieval Research, 16), 319 348.
  • Vyzhivet li Klio pri globalizatsii? [“If Clio Survives the Globalization?”], in: Kazus: Individualnoe i unikalnoe v istorii [Casus. The Individual and Unique in History], 7 (2006), 15 – 41
  • Die Plünderung der toten Herrscher als allgemeiner Wahn”, in: Bilder der Macht in Mittelalter und Neuzeit. Byzanz – Okzident – Rußland, ed. by Otto Gerhard Oexle and Michail A. Bojcov, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007 (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, 226), 53 – 117.
  • Warum pflegten deutsche Könige auf Altären zu sitzen?”, in: Bilder der Macht in Mittelalter und Neuzeit. Byzanz – Okzident – Rußland, ed. by Otto Gerhard Oexle and Michail A. Bojcov, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007 (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, 226), 243 – 314.
  • Zaubermärchen, Mythos und symbolische Figuren im sowjetischen und postsowjetischen historischen Metanarrativ”, in: Meistererzählungen vom Mittelalter. Epochenimaginationen und Verlaufmuster in der Praxis mediävistischer Disziplinen, ed. by Frank Rexroth, München: Oldenbourg 2007 (Historische Zeitschrift, Beiheft 46), 87 – 105.
  • Höfische Feste und ihr Schrifttum. Ordnungen, Berichte, Korrespondenzen”, in: Höfe und Residenzen im spätmittelalterlichen Reich. Hof und Schrift, ed. by Werner Paravicini, bearbeitet von Jan Hirschbiegel und Jörg Wettlaufer, Ostfildern: Thorbecke, 2007 (Residenzenforschung 15/III), 179 – 188, 223 – 284.
  • Der Schirm des Papstes, der Sonnengott und die historischen Wege Russlands”, in: Prozessionen, Wallfahrten, Aufmärsche: Bewegung zwischen Religion und Politik in Europa und Asien seit dem Mittelalter, ed. by Jörg Gengnagel, Monika Horstmann; Gerald Schwedler, Köln; Weimar; Wien: Böhlau, 2008 (Menschen und Kulturen, Beihefte zum Saeculum 4), 163 – 203.
  • Der Heilige Kranz und der Heilige Pferdezaum des Kaisers Konstantin und des Bischofs Ambrosius”, in: Frühmittelalterliche Studien 42 (2008) [2009], 1–69.
  • Raskayanie gosudarya: imperator i episkop [Repentance of a Prince: the emperor and the bishop”], in: Vlast’, obshchestvo, individ v srednevekovoj Evrope [Power, Society, Individual in Medieval Europe], ed. by Nina Khachaturian, Мoscow: Nauka, 2008, 211–241
  • Pokajanie imperaratora: Feodosiy I i Amvrosiy Mediloanskiy [“Penitence of the Emperor: Theodosius I and Ambrose of Milan”], in: Vestnik Drevnej istorii (2009), no. 2, 21 – 48.
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