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German-French Studies

Studies with one of the subject combinations:
 History (core subject) and French-Romance Studies (supplementary subject).

 French-Romance Studies (core subject) and History (supplementary subject).

Students complete the normal study programme in French-Romance Studies. In the subject History, elective module 1 or elective module 2 or in-depth module 1 must be successfully completed, whereby the corresponding courses must have a reference to France. The modules mentioned consist of a lecture and an exercise/excursion. The lecture ends with an oral examination, the exercise/excursion with a seminar paper or a presentation. If history is chosen as a core subject, the Bachelor's thesis must also have a reference to France.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Guido Thiemeyer
Building: 24.55
Floor/Room: 00.082
+49 211 81-12926

Office Hours

Herr Thiemeyer bietet in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit (Sommersemester 2024) eine Sprechstunde am Montag, den 19. August zwischen 11 und 12 Uhr nach Vereinbarung per Mail an.

Leiter Abteilung V (Romanistische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frank Leinen
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Institut für Romanistik
Abteilung V
Universitätsstr. 1 Building: 24.52
Floor/Room: 00.22
+49 211 81-14382

Office Hours

Thursday, 14.30-15.30.

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