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Information for the teacher training programme (Master of Education)

In principle, it is possible to gain access to the "Master of Education" for the teaching profession History with the Bachelor's degree in History at HHU. For this purpose, it is necessary to inform yourself about the admission requirements and possible subject combinations at the receiving university and, if necessary, align your study contents accordingly.

If you are planning to study for a Masters of Education at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal (BUW) with History as a subject, the Institute of Historical Studies at the HHU offers information on how to specifically align your Bachelor's degree in History with the subject-specific entrance requirements there.

Contact for questions regarding the transition to the Master of Education (History teaching profession):

Thorsten Pomian, M.A.
Building: 24.21
Floor/Room: 03.83
+49 211 81-10764
Send E-Mail

Master of Education - teaching profession at grammar schools and comprehensive schools


The specific requirements for the subject History as part of the Master of Education - Teacher Training at Grammar Schools and Comprehensive Schools are laid down in the "Subject-specific regulations for the History sub-course in the combined study programme Teacher Training at Grammar Schools and Comprehensive Schools leading to the degree Master of Education at the Bergischen Universität Wuppertal of 11.11.2019. In detail, these are:


  • at least 75 LP Bachelor's studies in the subject History (without inclusion of the final thesis), of which
    • at least 8 LP subject didactic studies
    • at least 9 LP in the field of Ancient History
    • at least 9 LP in the field of Medieval History
    • at least 9 LP in the field of Early Modern History and
    • at least 9 LP in the field of Modern History
  • Latinum


Notes for students in the core subject and supplementary subject History


Within the current curriculum, the following entry requirements can be fulfilled for the Master of Education - Teacher Training at Grammar Schools and Comprehensive Schools degree programme:


  • the contents specific to the subject History can be acquired in the core and supplementary subject (with the exception of subject didactics) through the targeted selection of the appropriate courses - in accordance with the epochal distribution assumed at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal.
    • in the core subject History you automatically acquire the minimum number of 75 CP required for admission;
    • the subject-specific prerequisites exceeding the 54 CP regularly acquired in the supplementary subject History must be acquired within the framework of the FÜWB (interdisciplinary compulsory elective field) of their core subject. Attention must be paid to the targeted selection of the appropriate courses - in accordance with the epochal distribution required at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal.
  • das Berufsfeldpraktikum ist im Kernfach Geschichte obligatorisch; im Ergänzungsfach Geschichte muss das dieses muss im Kernfach oder außerhalb des Curriculums absolviert werden;
  • the professional field internship is compulsory in the core subject History; in the supplementary subject History this must be completed in the core subject or outside the curriculum;
  • if not yet available, the Latinum can be acquired at HHU (e.g. in courses of the University Language Centre or within the framework of the supplementary subject "Ancient Cultures"). Credit for the interdisciplinary compulsory elective field of the core subject History is possible.


To facilitate the transfer, the Institute of Historical Studies has a form which must be signed by an authorised examiner of the Institute of Historical Studies prior to your change of university upon presentation of the relevant evidence (overview of achievements, proof of participation or HISLSF enrolments). Please only enter your personal details yourself:



"Supplementary proof of external submission for transfer to the Master of Education - Teaching Profession at Grammar Schools and Comprehensive Schools (PO 2019) at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal




Please note that in addition to these presented subject-specific regulations, the general admission requirements of the "Examination Regulations (General Provisions) for the Combined Course of Studies Teaching at Grammar Schools and Comprehensive Schools leading to the degree of Master of Education at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal of 24.09.2019“ must be fulfilled.


Other general and subject-specific admission requirements apply to a Master of Education degree programme for the teaching profession at Hauptschulen, Realschulen and Gesamtschulen as well as at primary schools, which you can find in the current examination regulations  of BUW.


The regulations of the Central Examination Office of the University of Wuppertal in their current version are authoritative.

Contact persons at the University of Wuppertal:


Antjekatrin Fedler (Secretariat of Modern and Contemporary History)


Dr. Thorsten Beigel (Chair of Ancient History)