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Interested international people

ERASMUS for students of historical sciences

Erasmus office hours

In the winter semester 2022/2023, office hours will be held during the lecture period on Wednesdays from 14:00 - 15:00 and by appointment.

You can also ask your questions in the RocketChat channel or contact Prof. Dr. Stefanie Michels via the function address: erasmus-geschichte(at)hhu.de.

Erasmus Channel on Rocket.Chat

Please also use the channel "Erasmus History" on Rocketchat. In this space, Erasmus-interested people from the Institute of Historical Studies, both incoming and outgoing, can exchange information. The Erasmus Officer of the Institute answers questions once a week and also shares relevant information and forms on this channel. Rocket.Chat.hhu.de


The application deadline for ERASMUS scholarships is 01 March each academic year. Additional announcements (e.g. for remaining places) will be made in good time.

We recommend that you come to the ERASMUS office hours in advance to plan your stay abroad and to discuss the further procedure.  In addition, the colleagues in the International Office (Building 21.02) will be happy to answer your questions about ERASMUS.

If you would like to apply for an ERASMUS scholarship, two steps are necessary:

First, please fill out the online application on the pages of the International Office. Only applicants who have completed this step can be considered. Please use the option to name several possible target universities in the online application. This increases the chance that you will receive a scholarship place. 


Afterwards, please submit the pdf printout of the online application by email to erasmus-geschichte(at)hhu.de  together with the following documents to the ERASMUS Officer in the Department of History:

  • Letter of motivation (1-2 pages) in which you explain why you are applying for a study visit to the university you have chosen. If you can also imagine another destination, please indicate this here.
  • Short curriculum vitae in table form with photo
  • Overview of your academic achievements to date (e.g. printout of the LSF performance overview)

In the weeks following the application deadline, the students who will receive an ERASMUS scholarship will be selected.  The selection is made on the basis of the submitted documents. You will be notified of the decision no later than one month after the application deadline. Afterwards, please get back to us within one week and let us know whether you would like to take up the stay abroad.

Partner universities

Here you will find all partner universities of the Heinrich Heine University in the field of history studies.