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Master's programme History


In the Master's programme - in contrast to the Bachelor's programme - only the subject History is studied, whereby individual emphases can be placed on topics and epochs. The standard period of study to complete the degree is 2 academic years. The final examinations are taken during the course of study. The course types are combined into different types of study modules. In contrast to the Bachelor's programme, the Master's programme requires a greater degree of personal responsibility and a more extensive amount of self-study in the concrete fulfilment of the performance requirements in the modules. This corresponds to the stronger research orientation of the Master's programme compared to the Bachelor's programme.


Subject-relevant bachelor's degree in history or another subject with a history component. As a rule, relevance is considered to be given if 54 credit points have been acquired in the field of history. The aptitude assessment regulations are decisive.

Final grade of the Bachelor's program is 2.5 or better.

Application deadline

Applications and enrolments are generally also possible after the start of the lecture period. The general application deadline for the winter semester is 15.12. or 15. 6. for the summer semester. For the current application deadline, please refer to link above.


Applicants with a bachelor's degree (or a comparable professional degree) apply via the central HHU applicant portal:



Applicants who have completed an appropriate Bachelor's degree (core or supplementary subject History) with an overall grade of 2.5 or better at HHU apply via HHU's central applicant portal:


In the application process, answer "Fachwechselabfrage I" (study at HHU) as well as "Fachwechselabfrage II" (completed matching bachelor's degree at HHU) with "yes" in each case to obtain aptitude testing and admission. If you have further questions regarding the change of subject, please contact the Student and Examination Administration (SSC).



If the student has not graduated, provisional enrolment in the master's program is possible if the following requirements are met:
- all final examinations of the subject-relevant Bachelor's degree programme have been successfully completed;
- the Bachelor's thesis has been submitted;
- the overall grade point average of the Bachelor's degree programme is at least 2.5.

In the case of provisional enrolment, the Bachelor's degree programme must be formally completed by the end of the first semester of the Master's degree programme with an (overall) final grade of 2.5 or better in order to continue with the Master's degree programme.
Application and determination of provisional eligibility are carried out via the central applicant portal of HHU:
