Transcript of Records
The Transcript of Records (ToR) is one of the documents you receive upon completion of your studies. It documents the modules you have attended during your studies and thus provides you with a breakdown of your study profile. It is an important qualification document both for applications to other universities and for those on the job market following your studies.
ToR in the Bachelor
You have an authorised examiner from the Institute of Historical Sciences (see advising) sign off on the corresponding form (see above) the achievements that are not documented by examinations in HIS-LSF. In detail, these are:
Achievement to be verified | Necessary for | Verification through | |
Language skills (sufficient knowledge of English and another foreign language) | Core Subject, Supplementary subject 2011, 2013 | Proof by Abitur certificate of at least four years of schooling at a secondary school or proof of participation in or certificate of passed examinations in the context of language or reading courses at a higher education institution. | |
Internship (Duration: at least 4 weeks) | Core Subject PO 2011, 2013 | Proof by means of an internship certificate and an internship report. Decisive is the Internship Regulations of the Institute of Historical Sciences. | |
Interdisciplinary elective courses (18 CP) | Core Subject 2011, 2013 | Evidence through participation certificates or through the HISLSF assignments. Note: If applicable, please mark the courses attended for the interdisciplinary elective courses on the printout from the HISLSF! |
With this evidence, you can apply for your Transcript of Records at the Academic Examination Office if you have successfully passed all final examinations including the Bachelor thesis.
It is possible to have a provisional Transcript of Records issued, in which only those modules are listed that you have successfully completed by the time of issue. This is useful and necessary, for example, when applying for further degree programmes, changing universities or degree programmes and studying abroad.
Floor/room: 06.65
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Office Hours
Teaching period: mondays, 04:00 pm
Break: mondays, 03:00 pm
ToR in the Master
Students according to the Master's Examination Regulations 2018 receive the Transcript of Records at the end of their studies in the Student and Examination Administration.
Students under the Master's Examination Regulations 2018 can apply for a Provisional Transcript of Records, on which the academic achievements made up to that point are recorded, in the Student and Examination Administration.
Subsequent recognition and rebooking of academic achievements is done online via the recognition tool "ATool", which you can access via this link:
Please log in there with your university ID and enter the relevant data or upload the relevant certificates. You will find instructions on how to use the system under this link:
Students according to the Master's Examination Regulations 2013 can apply for the Transcript of Records from the Master's Officer if all final examinations including the Master's thesis have been successfully passed. The following documents are required for this:
- the "ToR-Form Master - PO 2011/2013" (instructions for completion below)
- a current transcript of records (from the Student Service Centre or from the student portal)
- Evidence for the interdisciplinary elective courses (by scanning the participation certificates or screenshots of the enrolments from the HISLSF or student portal. If applicable, please mark the courses attended for the interdisciplinary elective courses).
Please send these documents as an attachment to an e-mail to the Master's representative.
Students according to the Master's Examination Regulations 2013 can apply to the Master's Officer for a provisional Transcript of Records, on which the academic achievements made up to that point are listed. To do so, please contact the Master's Officer by e-mail.
Floor/room: 03.83
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Office Hours
Lecture period: Only on appointment via e-mail (including your questions).
Edit the PDF document "ToR-Formular Master - PO 2011/2013" after saving it on your local computer.
The credit points (CP) of the modules are recorded by first selecting the corresponding counter by clicking the CP field, then setting the CP by clicking the arrows that are then visible and confirming by clicking the CP field again.
The credit points of the courses of the interdisciplinary compulsory elective area are entered in the "Organisational Module" if none of the pre-registered courses have been attended.
The title of the Master's thesis must be entered in German and English. Both the first and second corrector must be indicated in the Master's thesis.