Eastern European Studies
We are a department with a large geographical area of research. Where exactly that is located is subject to historical change - as we are currently seeing with Ukraine - and the subject of many discussions. Our focus lies on the history of Russia and the Soviet Union as well as Eastern Central Europe and Southeastern Europe. Epochally, we concentrate on the 18th to 20th centuries, which is why there is close cooperation with the chairs of Modern History.
Head of Department and Secretary
Building: 24.21.
Floor/room: 03.67
Floor/room: 03.67
Building: 24.21
Floor/room: 03.68
Floor/room: 03.68
Research Assistants
Research Assistent
Building: 24.21
Floor/room: 03.66
Floor/room: 03.66
Research Assistent
Building: 24.21
Floor/room: 03.66
Floor/room: 03.66
Research Assistent
Building: 24.21
Floor/room: 03.65
Floor/room: 03.65
Alexander Klat